About P&P:
Welcome to Pups & Prosecco & thanks for dropping in!
I’m Jessica! I’m a wife, dog mama, and a New Yorker living in the south. For those of you that are intrigued with personality types, I am an ISTP and enneagram 2 (probably explains why I have this blog in hopes of helping others). I love spending my time with my family, being outdoors, reading, binging a good show, or traveling. Lastly, I work as an esthetician and really enjoy assisting others to build confidence in their own skin and without makeup. I purposely left my career for last because it is a goal of mine to focus on who we are as individuals rather than defining ourselves by the profession we do (read my first blog on this!).
The initial idea of this blog came to me on a random Friday, after yet another morning waking up with a lack of excitement for my day. I have struggled with knowing what my purpose in life is that aligns with what makes me happy and also positively contributes to the world. This took a toll on my self-esteem.
Although it felt like I was the only one experiencing this feeling, I knew I was not alone. I wanted to create a space for others that are facing similar internal battles. So this community was created for YOU to know it’s OK to not have it all together YET. Age is just a number, despite what we tell ourselves. As long as you continue to stay focused on what brings you joy, and not settle for the unfulfilled life you are living, the rest will unfold. For me personally, pups & a glass of Prosecco are two simple things that always make me do a little happy dance – hence the name. And although I have finally found a job I truly enjoy doing, I believe we are forever growing & evolving and that there is so much more to life other than a career that leads to happiness.
In this blog, I’ll share a lot about personal development, as that has been a big part of my life. It continues to help grow the mind, body, and soul to become a better version of yourself. I’ll provide content & tools that may be relatable to the challenges you may be pushing through, and lessons I have taken from my own experiences. You will also find similar content that can help your self-growth in various parts of your life, including skin care, relationships, and even being a better pet parent! All of these together make up the core of who I am.
Most importantly, my goal is to provide a space where you don’t need to hide behind a mask of insecurity, self-consciousness, or shame. YOU are in control of the outcome of your life, the direction you want it to head, and the speed you want to go. But you do not have to do it alone. Ready to take this journey together and join the community of self-growth? Head over to Pup & Prosecco’s first blog post and don’t forget to subscribe to our list so you don’t miss anything!
All Bubbles, No Troubles…
~ P&P